Moon Exhibition

  • Vienna / Gartenbaukino / Happenings
  • Berlin / HKW Berlin / Interactive Stage
  • Amsterdam / ITA Amsterdam / Tutorials & Workshops
  • Icon HappeningHappening

We’ll send your art to the moon!


At Forward Festival our mission is to support young and up-and-coming artists through our very own Moon Exhibition. It offers creative heads from all disciplines the possibility to show their artworks to a large audience at Forward Festival in Amsterdam, Berlin & Vienna. The selected submissions will be displayed at the festival site & online for everyone to see. By submitting your artwork we offer you a voucher of -10% off of the ticket price. What’s more: three lucky winners will be chosen to attend the festival in 2025 in a city of their choice!


You can submit works from all categories of the creative industries: animation, graphic design, fashion, film, photography, illustration, painting, street art, typography… you name it.


Find more infos here:

Submit 1-3  artworks in high res. and a short biography directly on the website.


We are looking forward to your submissions!
