Every month, the Forward Magazine brings you a selection of musical gems hand-picked by friends, musicians, speakers of the Forward Festival, and many more. This 55th edition was made by creative director & designer Viktor Hammarberg. He will speak at Forward Festival Berlin in August.


Viktor Hammarberg is an outstandingly talented art director and graphic artist with an exceptional eye for digital art, specializing in the music and fashion industry. His works are characterized by a captivating blend of ethnography and surrealism, which he masterfully weaves into his pieces.



This playlist is filled with 59 songs covering over 3 1/2 hours of enjoyable music. It’s perfect for an after work evening, finding motivation for creativity, or getting ready to go out. Some of the highlights in this playlist are The XX, Fred Again…, Jamie X, Tame Impala, Kendrick Lamar, Rex Orange County and many more. Tune in and enjoy the mix of indie, rap and electronic music!


Photo Credits: © Viktor Hammarberg, 2024