Now, more than ever before, it is vital to find alternative solutions for artists, photographers, illustrators and designers to present and sell their art. Fortunately, more and more of these platforms have been popping up and we’d like to introduce one of them: Art Aid.

Made by & for creatives — introduced by Viennese studio Identity Lab, Art Aid’s shop features 90 artworks by 27 artists. We were happy to spot some familiar names of the Forward community, so go check out their prints!

The artworks are printed on quality paper and available in various formats. Most of the proceeds from the sale go to the designer, some to the printer and some to Art Aid.

Go get yourself something nice and support your local artists, or be the local artist yourself and participate with your work!


Rugby 1 by Marko Mestrovic


Untitled 2 by Zwupp


Birds by Birgit Palma
Birds by Birgit Palma


VitaminSea by Daniel Triendl
VitaminSea by Daniel Triendl


Foodporn by Winfried Flohner


Malaysien 2013 by Niko Havranek


Glass by Frau Isa
Glass by Frau Isa


Bali by Marko Mestrovic


Sardinien 2016 by Niko Havranek


Untitled 5 by Zwupp


Her by Marko Mestrovic


Dutzi in the Bush by Gregor Hofbauer


Vienna by Raphael Krottenauer