Together with “OHNE DEN HYPE”, Forward welcomes you inside the mind of creatives, artists and designers! In intimate and personal conversations with Forward-speakers, industry legends and creative shooting stars, the podcast evolves around personal topics – completely without the hype that usually surrounds them. The first edition sees designer Stefan Sagmeister speaking about courage and coincidences.
We didn’t manage to speak about Stefan Sagmeister’s whole life story up until this day – way too much has happened to wrap it up in only one hour. Instead, the design icon talked very openly, personally and detailed about how he actually became one of the most influential designers of our times. The reason for his success not only lies in his obvious talent but also is the result of various lucky coincidences.

In the course of his talk at Forward Festival Vienna, Stefan Sagmeister met with “OHNE DEN HYPE” and talked about his path from the Vorarlberg youth magazine Alphorn, for which he worked as a teenager, to the Grammys, which he won for his record covers, about all the paths and detours that lay in between, like his time in Hong Kong or the move to New York. Plus, he also gives insights into how he created his most famous works. Tune in!
This podcast is only available in German.