Since we are all stuck inside, we thought it would be a good idea to bring the Forward Festival to your home! Eike König believes education should be for free, therefore his talk is the first one for you to enjoy.

Although the talk by Eike is from Forward Festival Vienna 2017 it is still pretty up-to-date. Hear him talk about politics, work ethics and his perception of design. Get to know more about his studio Hort, which for him is the safe space where you go after school to play and explore. Even though that sound like only fun and games, there are rules to follow: 1. have fun, 2. get paid, 3. don’t work with assholes, 4. … well see for yourself!



According to Eike, in times of a crisis we find the best names for things, just like FORWARD – think forward, look forward… and that’s exactly what we intend to do!


Coverphoto by © Werner Streitfelder